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Victoria to establish labour hire licensing scheme

Victoria's Andrews Government has today committed to introducing a labour hire licensing scheme, after the Forsyth inquiry recommended such a regime for labour suppliers to the horticulture, meat and cleaning industries.

CFMEU challenging ban on paying officials' fines; Senator Day here to stay

The CFMEU construction and general division's Victorian branch is appealing a Federal Court decision that barred the union from paying an $18,000 penalty against an organiser after the judge concluded the union received part of its income from government grants.

Bench upholds rejection of bid for bullying order

An FWC full bench has rejected a bid for an anti-bullying order by a cleaner who alleged he was bullied and harassed by his manager when he was called a "pig" and told off after he was caught napping in a disused room he converted into an unofficial staff room.

MUA wins beachhead at Gorgon LNG project

The MUA has established its right to represent one of three teams of workers it sought access to at the Gorgon LNG project's processing site, after the FWC found their principal functions "lie at the heart of a waterside worker".

University defeats bullying-related privacy complaint

A university has fended off a privacy claim after a tribunal found it wasn't responsible for the actions of two academics who sent emails that disclosed a complainant's health information as part of a response to an FWC bullying claim.

Researcher sacked for fishing on Reef reels in $8,000 privacy breach payout

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal has increased a damages payout to a casual marine researcher who lost his job at a Queensland university after a government agency disclosed to a News Corp publication that he had been caught and fined for fishing in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

Tribunal upholds sacking of employees for verbal abuse of colleagues

The FWC has found two companies had valid reasons for dismissing male workers who verbally abused female colleagues, but in one case it did not justify going the further step of summarily sacking the long-serving employee from a workplace that tolerated the "F bomb".

Labour hire managers fined for concealing $130,000 in unlawful deductions

A director who appears to be operating a "phoenix" labour hire company and his former HR manager have been penalised $25,000 for their knowing involvement in unlawfully deducting $130,000 from the wages of 102 Crown Casino and Federation Square cleaners and providing false records to the FWO.

Ruling highlights boundary for assistance to unrepresented parties

An FWC full bench has expressed "grave reservations" about a member's assessment of compensation for a dismissed worker, in a case that illustrates the limits to the assistance the tribunal can extend to self-represented litigants.