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Senate report on backpacker tax due today

The Senate economics committee is due to report today on its review of the "backpacker tax" bills, under which employers will be placed on a public register that the FWO can access to ensure they are complying with IR laws.

Court rejects Indigenous worker's race bias claim

A court has rejected a worker's claims that he was discriminated against, victimised and vilified because of his Indigenous heritage, noting his colleagues apologised for isolated inappropriate comments and that he was not subjected to less favourable treatment.

CFMEU leaders' blackmail committal delayed till mid-2017

The committal hearing for blackmail charges against CFMEU construction and general division Victorian branch secretary John Setka and his assistant secretary Shaun Reardon is set to be delayed until the middle of next year.

50 individuals set to be fined for unlawful walkout

More than 50 construction workers are facing penalties after the Federal Court found they took unlawful strike action when they attended a CFMEU rally at a Perth children's hospital construction site in 2013, but the union says the case is a complete "farce".

IR bills to return to Senate when passage assured: PM

The Government won’t reintroduce the ABCC and ROC bills to the Senate until it has the numbers to win their passage, Prime Minister Turnbull said today in response to the new uncertainty about the crossbench.

Victorian CFMEU leaders seek to head off blackmail trial

Lawyers for Victorian CFMEU leader John Setka and his assistant Shaun Reardon have today challenged the jurisdiction of the Melbourne Magistrates Court to conduct a committal hearing on blackmail charges.

Crossbench disarray threatens IR bills

The Turnbull Government’s plan to push its IR bills through the Senate have been thrown into doubt by legal questions over the eligibility of two crossbench senators.