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Purge bargaining to boost APS productivity: Podger

Former Public Service Commissioner Andrew Podger has told a Senate inquiry that getting rid of bargaining altogether in the federal public sector would improve productivity.

Employer too slow to act on theft suspicions: FWC

The FWC has found a delivery driver fingered by a colleague as being involved in a theft ring was unfairly dismissed because his sacking coincided with his complaints about entitlements and workers' health and safety.

Shorten outlines Labor's post-Trump path

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has championed the social benefits of Labor's support for unions and the minimum wage, contrasting it with the American model as he pitches to working and middle class voters after president-elect Donald Trump's success in galvanising low-income workers.

$124,000 fine for sham independent contract

A court has fined a company and its director $124,000 over a sham contracting arrangement in which they underpaid a 417 visa-holder almost $8000 for four months work after misclassifying him as an independent contractor.

FWC to assess whether Heydon inquiry evidence admissible

The FWC is set to consider whether the NUW can rely on evidence provided to the Heydon Royal Commission to defend an unfair dismissal claim from the brother of former NSW branch secretary Derrick Belan.

FWC puts stop to strike action in support of sacked cancer patient

The Fair Work Commission has issued a three week stop order preventing workers at a South Australian logistics provider from engaging in unlawful industrial action in support of a worker it allegedly sacked for taking too much time off work after a cancer diagnosis.

Sacking a wee bit too harsh, says Commission

A garbage truck driver sacked for urinating in a CBD laneway during his shift has won his job back after the Fair Work Commission found he paid too high a price for his misconduct.