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Coalition proceeding with industry fund board changes

The Turnbull Government has confirmed today that it will re-introduce legislation to require industry super funds to have at least one-third independent directors, including an independent chair.

Bank, chief HR manager & former CEO to pay pregnant worker's costs

A court has ordered ANZ, its former chief executive Philip Chronican and two other bank executives, including its chief HR officer, to pay the costs of part of a case brought by an employee who alleged they failed to make reasonable adjustments during her pregnancy.

Businessman accuses Shorten and ASIC of conspiracy

A businessman who is accusing Federal Labor leader Bill Shorten of conspiring with corporate regulator ASIC while he was the AWU's Victorian branch secretary to stop a company takeover has failed to convince a Supreme Court judge that he should recuse himself.

New union for retail and fast food workers

A new retail and fast food union this morning has SDA members in its sights as it embarks on a recruitment campaign at Coles and Woolworths and considers joining the application to terminate the Coles Supermarkets enterprise agreement, according to founding secretary Josh Cullinan.

Unions go head-to-head over BOOT

The CFMEU has been granted access to documents supporting prospective agreements between the AWU and a major labour supplier after expressing concern that the deals negotiated by its fellow union failed the BOOT.

FWC defends its turf as union seeks review of agreement documents

The FWC has knocked out United Voice's bid to review copies of documents supporting an enterprise agreement application it suspected of "undercutting" employees' conditions and not being genuinely agreed, observing the union was trying to do the Commission's job.

Employee to pay $200,000 in costs after taking confidential files

A software business manager must pay almost $10,000 in fines and $200,000 in costs for his copyright infringement and "flagrant" breaches of his employment contract when he copied his employer's confidential files and worked for a competitor during his gardening leave.

Commission overstepped the mark on dispute: Bench

An FWC member ventured beyond the tribunal's private arbitration powers when he ruled on a dispute over the sacking of a probationary employee, a full bench has found.