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Boost powers to collect unpaid super entitlements: Report

The FWO should given the same power the ATO has to recover unpaid super from employers, according to a new report commissioned by industry funds that estimates companies are underpaying compulsory entitlements by at least $3.6 billion a year.

Victoria to conduct gender audits in State public sector

Victoria will conduct gender audits across the state public sector as part of a new strategy to address inequality, sexism and violence against women, while a Senate inquiry majority has rejected legislation to outlaw "pay gag clauses" to reduce the gender-based remuneration gap.

Annual leave anomalies on hitlist in FWC's awards review

The Fair Work Commission is proposing to remove "unusual" annual leave and annual leave loading entitlements together with penalties for late payment of wages transferred electronically as part of its four-yearly review into modern awards.

Misconduct discovered post-dismissal legitimate evidence: FWC

A worker sacked for sending "highly sensitive" information to her private email has provided a forum for the FWC to reaffirm that employers can bolster their unfair dismissal defence with evidence of misconduct unearthed after an employee's termination.

Phantom email to client warranted sacking for dishonesty: FWC

The FWC has found that an employer was justified in seeking to protect its reputation by sacking a "dishonest" employee who told a client she had sent an important document when no trace of the email could ever be found.

Power struggle amps up at Loy Yang

The CFMEU's mining and energy division has flagged that its members will take protected industrial action at Victoria's Loy Yang power station within the next month.

Inquiry implores Cash to "heal the wounds of division" in APS

A Senate inquiry has urged Public Service Minister Michaelia Cash to intervene in the federal public sector bargaining dispute and soften the "intransigent" Coalition's "brutally hard-line" bargaining policy by relaxing the 2% wages cap and removing the prohibition on backpay, but Government senators have flatly rejected the recommendations.

Anglo's strike-triggered redundancies not a GFB breach

The FWC has rejected a union application for a bargaining order, after finding that redundancies triggered by protected industrial action do not necessarily constitute a breach of good faith bargaining obligations.

Heydon evidence admissible in NUW dismissal case: FWC

The FWC has ruled that the NUW can rely on evidence given to the Heydon Royal Commission by former official Nick Belan in its defence of his unfair dismissal claim, because the Commission is not a court.