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FWC must be time-sensitive: bench

An FWC full bench has confirmed the Commission must consider the most current material available when determining whether a majority of employees want to bargain for an enterprise agreement.

Bench awards costs against "obsessive, dogmatic" appellant

An FWC full bench has ordered a nurse intent on having her "day in court" to pay $5,000 in legal costs for pursuing an appeal with no reasonable prospects of success, despite threats she would take her own life if costs went against her.

FWC invites employees to voice opinion on agreement termination bid

The FWC is giving about 1300 employees at a Queensland residential aged care provider until Monday to let it know if they have a view on the QNU's bid to terminate their enterprise agreement, which is opposed by the AWU and United Voice.

Court throws out FWBC subbie discrimination case

The FWBC is reviewing its legal options after the Federal Court rejected its claims that a construction company discriminated against a subcontractor it dropped because it did not have a union agreement.

CIO's $500,000 payout after unhonoured verbal deal

Victoria's Court of Appeal has awarded a chief information officer more than $477,000 because his employer failed to honour a verbal agreement about his entitlements.

7-Eleven compliance deed sets "new standard for franchising": FWO

An internal investigations unit will replace 7-Eleven's wage repayment panel, while biometric thumb-printing, CCTV and facial recognition will complement a centralised payroll system, as part of a new compliance deed between the retailer and the FWO.

ACTU calls for law reform after CUB victory

The long-running dispute at Carlton & United Breweries has ended with the reinstatement of maintenance workers on their former pay and conditions.

Ross rebuffs Cash's Metcher bid

FWC President Iain Ross has today refused Employment Minister Michaelia Cash's request that he constitute a full bench to review Deputy President Jeff Lawrence's decision to grant CEPU NSW postal & telecommunications branch secretary Jim Metcher an entry permit.