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"Extremely offensive" comments justified manager's dismissal

The FWC has rejected claims an Allianz manager was unfairly dismissed after threatening to touch a female colleague's vagina if she didn't stop talking during a taxi ride following a work social outing.

Employer failed to give HR officer chance to improve: FWC

The FWC has found the sacking of an HR officer for underperformance was an unfair fait accompli, determining that she was given inadequate opportunities to improve and insufficient notice that her job was in peril.

Tribunal lacks power to hear union member's dispute

Victoria's Civil and Administrative Tribunal has ruled it has no power to hear a consumer protection claim by a former AEU member who is pursuing the union for $43,000 she spent on lawyers after it refused to represent her.

Dismissal for explicit Facebook post valid but harsh

The FWC has found it was harsh to dismiss a nurse who tagged two colleagues to a s-xually explicit Facebook video and said they were "slamming" each other, set-up a mock masturbation scene on a workmate's desk and referred to a senior manager in crude derogatory terms.

Perrottet takes on NSW IR portfolio

New South Wales' new Premier, Gladys Berejiklian, has appointed former finance minister Dominic Perrottet as her IR Minister, while Mark Speakman replaces Gabrielle Upton as Attorney-General.

Pizza Hut failing to deliver for workers: FWO

Fast food giant Pizza Hut has underpaid some of its delivery drivers, offering as little as $5.70 per delivery, with 92% of franchisees audited by the FWO failing to meet their legal obligations to employees, a report by the regulator has found.