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Bargaining breakthrough at Esso

Onshore workers for Esso's Bass Strait oil and gas operations have voted up a second replacement enterprise agreement, leaving only the terms of the third deal, for offshore, to be arbitrated by the FWC.

Retrenchments not genuine: FWC

The FWC has reinstated four workers after finding they were not "genuinely redundant" and that their employer took an "unduly hasty and largely tokenistic" approach to meeting its consultation and redeployment obligations.

CFMEU threatens to withdraw support from Victorian Labor

CFMEU construction and general division Victorian branch secretary John Setka has threatened to withdraw support for the Andrews Labor State Government in protest at ministers "promoting and supporting" major construction company Grocon.

FWO sparks prosecution of director under corporations law

A tip-off from the Fair Work Ombudsman has led to the prosecution of a former company director for alleged breaches of the corporations law when he sought to deregister an entity that owed the Federal Government more than $50,000 in penalties for unpaid employee entitlements.

Rail worker back onboard after sacking for fraud

The FWC has reinstated a Metro Trains Melbourne station officer after finding no justification for her sacking over fraudulent transactions on the Myki smartcard ticketing system.

When does "recall to duty" become "overtime"?

The Federal Court has shed new light on the distinction between "recall to duty" and "overtime", which has become an increasingly vexed issue with the shift to workers performing more duties outside normal hours and their workplace.

Government data shows big rise in agreement terminations

The number of enterprise agreements terminated by the FWC has accelerated dramatically in recent years, particularly for relatively small union-negotiated deals in the construction and manufacturing sectors, according to the Department of Employment.

Bench to examine employment abandonment clauses

FWC President Iain Ross has asked a full bench to review abandonment of employment clauses in six modern awards after a recent ruling that employers must take the "additional step" of ending the employment relationship when a worker walks off the job.

AFP to pay CFMEU costs over ACT raid

The Australian Federal Police has been ordered to pay the majority of the CFMEU's legal costs for its challenge to the 2015 AFP raid on the offices of the union's construction and general division in Canberra.