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Breakthrough at Pan, says AWU

The AWU claims it has won agreement from beleaguered drug manufacturer Pan Pharmaceuticals to secure the entitlements of its 250 production workers in a trust fund.

Transmission deal clarifies redundancy entitlements

A new enterprise agreement between the HSUA and Mayne Health ensures the company won't face an Amcor-style requirement to make severance payments in the event of a transmission of business.

Energy managers win 10% pay rise, annual $10K bonus

Almost 90 EnergyAustralia managers have won a 10% pay increase over two years and bonuses of more than $10,000 a year, under the only enterprise agreement to cover management positions in the power industry.

News in brief, April 29, 2003

Abbott to join High Court transmission appeals; Human rights legislation and poverty inquiries begin hearings today; ASU's Bignell wins second term; Kingham in court today over Cole matter; and seats running out for Goward/Wolf lunch.

IRC reinstates police officer in "borderline" sex case

In a rare case of male-on-male sexual harassment, the NSW IRC has reinstated a dismissed police officer but refused to compensate his lost remuneration after finding the case was "close to the borderline".

Former company head seeks $10.5m in unfair contract claim

A group of companies linked to pay TV operator Austar has failed in an interlocutory bid to throw out a s106 unfair contracts claim by a former managing director who claims he has been denied a $10.5m profit from share options.

News in brief, April 24, 2003

AIRC rejects substandard non-union agreements for steak restaurant chain; and Federal Court throws out misleading and deceptive conduct claim.