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New Andrews Regulation saves employers from penalty pitfall

Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews has quietly gazetted a new Regulation that allows employers involved in union bargaining to avoid penalties of up to $16,500 if a union refuses to sign an enterprise agreement after it has been voted up by employees.

NSW Government backs $20-a-week safety net rise

NSW's Iemma Government will today ask the State Wage Case full bench to award a $20 flat pay rise to employees who continue to be covered by the State's IR system.

High Court could open door for new Labor minimum pay-setting scheme: Combet

The ACTU has flagged that the High Court could open the way for a future Labor Government to directly legislate to set minimum wages, while the AMWU is pushing for the Federal Government to protect the Easter Tuesday public holiday which has been enjoyed by more than 40,000 metalworkers in NSW.

TAC employees accept relocation package, but with conditions

Transport Accident Commission employees who move from Melbourne to Geelong as part of the organisation's planned relocation will have the transition made easier by either a $15,000 lump sum, a payment equal to 20% of their salary or an additional 8 weeks paid leave.

Labor Government only way to rip up Work Choices: Beazley

Australians who want to reverse the Work Choices regime must put Labor in Government at next year's election, rather than just change the Senate balance of power, Opposition Leader Kim Beazley said tonight.

News in brief, April 11, 2005

Optus denies sackings due to Work Choices; and Nassios filling in after Wilson's departure from AIR; and Bethwaite steps down from leadership of ABL State Chamber.

I'm not a centralist, says Howard, as he defends state IR grab

PM John Howard has today mounted a spirited defence of his Government's plans to establish a unitary IR system, after critics, mostly from his own side, have labelled him as too centralist, while the NSW Opposition has announced it will refer most of its IR powers to Canberra if elected in 2007.

Andrews drops prosecutions, looks at record-keeping amendments; announces specialist investigators; and reveals successful employer tenderers

In a series of announcements, Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews today said that the Government was dropping all pre-Work Choices s127 prosecutions; revealed a new team of DEWR specialists would investigate future breaches of the Act; confirmed he was considering changing onerous record-keeping obligations on employers; and announced the successful tenderers for the Work Choices Employer Advisor Program.