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Dixon says business as usual at Qantas under new private owners

The private equity consortium that has won provisional Qantas board approval to take over the airline for $5.60 cash per share has today ruled out offshoring of maintenance functions, while Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon said there were no plans for offshoring other functions and that existing plans for reducing labour and other operational costs would continue under the new owners.

Employees can be personally liable for workplace mistakes: High Court

Two employees have been found personally liable to pay damages to a former client who suffered as a result of their professional advice, in a High Court ruling that challenges previous notions of the sole or vicarious responsibility of employers for workers' actions.

CFMEU fined $100,000 plus costs over WA boycott action

The Federal Court has ordered the CFMEU to pay $115,000 in penalties and costs for breaching the Trade Practices Act's secondary boycott provisions when it delayed a concrete pour and picketed at a construction site in Perth in 2004.

Flawed HR structure renders Telstra unable to meet consultation requirements, says AIRC

In an important private dispute resolution ruling that might provide an alternative channel to challenge unfair dismissals under Work Choices, the AIRC has reinstated three employees made redundant by Telstra. It found that flaws in the structure of the telco's HR management mean it is unable to comply with obligations to consult employees and their union about restructuring plans.

Discriminatory remarks lead to $72,000 Qantas payout

Qantas has been ordered to pay a former licensed aircraft mechanical engineer $71,692 after the Federal Magistrates Court accepted that discriminatory remarks made to him at work contributed to his depressive illness.

Rudd to tear up Work Choices

New Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd will put Work Choices on the scrap heap if he takes power next year, he confirmed today.