Interpretation of agreements page 25 of 30

293 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Interpretation of agreements

Ex parte communications sink agreement

An FWC full bench has highlighted the limits of permissible ex parte communication between parties to agreements and tribunal members, in a ruling in which it found that such exchanges denied procedural fairness to the union objecting to a deal's approval.

Thiess "manipulated" agreement ballot for project it hadn't won

Mining giant Thiess has had a proposed enterprise agreement knocked back because it was not genuinely agreed, with the FWC finding the company chose the three employees who participated in the ballot to "manipulate" the result.

High Court refuses Anglo's special leave bid on cashing-out

Anglo Coal is facing a seven-figure backpayment, after the High Court refused to grant it special leave to appeal a finding that a subsidiary breached its enterprise agreement by failing to pay employees correctly when they cashed-out personal/carer's leave.

Inquiry implores Cash to "heal the wounds of division" in APS

A Senate inquiry has urged Public Service Minister Michaelia Cash to intervene in the federal public sector bargaining dispute and soften the "intransigent" Coalition's "brutally hard-line" bargaining policy by relaxing the 2% wages cap and removing the prohibition on backpay, but Government senators have flatly rejected the recommendations.

DIBP seeks to head off workplace determination by FWC

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection will put a new offer to its employees in the wake of the Fair Work Commission's decision to terminate industrial action at airports across the country and move towards arbitration of a new agreement.

"Illogical" to consider individual rosters as part of BOOT: FWC

An FWC presidential member has found that despite some "prevailing contemporary opinion to the contrary" it is "illogical" to review employees' rosters or individual circumstances when assessing whether an agreement passes the BOOT.

Court orders CFA to release communications with minister

The Victorian Supreme Court has ordered the Country Fire Authority to produce communications with its minister and advice it received from the Andrews Government about its proposed new enterprise agreement.