Interpretation of agreements page 17 of 30

293 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Interpretation of agreements

Fire-damaged machinery, not bushfires, caused stand down: Bench

A wood mill operator does not have to pay its former workforce for a five-week stand-down period after an FWC full bench confirmed that the time lost was due to damaged machinery, rather than the bushfires that rendered it inoperative in the first place.

HR manager's silence scuttles marine deal variation

The FWC has prevented a large employer from varying an agreement after its HR manager failed to fully address concerns the amendment could remove some employees from coverage without their knowledge.

Assembling before pre-start meeting starts clock on work: FWC

In a significant decision on the nature of work, the FWC has ruled that employees required to attend a worksite assembly point by a prescribed time before being transported to a pre-start meeting should be paid for the intervening period.

Shiftwork could cost employers more after FWC ruling

Employers relying on the General Construction Award might have to start paying thousands of civil construction workers overtime instead of shift penalties, after the FWC held that shiftwork rates only apply if they continue the work of others on the same project, for the same client and contract.

Court backs "lawful coercion" in Vegemite jar maker battle

The Federal Court has restrained the manufacturer of Vegemite jars and CUB beer bottles from deploying its managers to perform the work of striking maintenance workers while it determines union claims that the strategy constitutes adverse action and a breach of its agreement.

Arthritic bank teller, 68, doesn't have to move branches: Bench

The ANZ Bank has failed to overturn a decision blocking it from relocating an arthritic 68-year-old teller to a more distant branch, an FWC full bench finding that the issues raised were too narrow to enliven the public interest.

Full court rules on leave test case

A full Federal Court has ruled today that a pair of 12-hour shift workers at a Cadbury chocolate factory are entitled to 10 calendar days of paid personal/carer's leave, rather than a lesser amount argued by their employer and the Federal IR Minister.

Employer wanted workers to give "100%" to strike: FWC

An employer has been labelled "disingenuous" and a union told it could struggle to explain its interest to members in the "curious" case of employees not paid for work performed when they returned to their jobs before the end of a protected strike.

Government department denied worker natural justice

In a decision probing the practical application of natural justice and procedural fairness principles in a public transport provider's disciplinary process, the FWC has held that it fell short in concluding that a tram driver tried to "wilfully mislead" an investigation.

No service required to trigger 120-hour leave entitlement: FWC

An injured coal mineworker has won back 120 hours personal leave denied by resources giant Peabody when he took more than a year off, the FWC finding he was not required to provide a service to be eligible for the entitlement.