Remedy page 27 of 46

459 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Remedy

Tribunal scolds BHP for procedural fairness defects

The FWC has admonished a BHP subsidiary for taking a "haphazard" approach to its disciplinary guidelines, finding it had a valid reason to sack a mineworker for her "deviant" conduct when she put a s-x toy in a colleague's carry-on baggage, but procedural failings made it unfair.

Explanation for racially-motivated sacking "fabricated": FWC

The FWC has rejected the "post fabricated" inventions of a supermarket owner found to have sacked a casual shop assistant because he preferred workers from Asian-speaking backgrounds, ordering full compensation despite claims it would destroy his business.

"Vague" task list no basis for sacking over productivity: FWC

In a decision highlighting the perils of relying on nebulous performance measures to assess productivity, the FWC has ordered an IT company to compensate an employee dismissed after being assigned a "vague" To Do list.

Employer ordered to reinstate "pain inflicting" firefighter

A tribunal has reinstated a long-serving emergency services worker sacked for using "pain stimuli" on recruits during training, after it found his largely unblemished work history outweighed his misconduct.

Department's failure to use HR experts led to unfair sacking: FWC

The Victorian Department of Parliamentary Services' failure to utilise its HR expertise has contributed to a finding that it unfairly sacked a senior electoral officer on the basis that he lost the trust and confidence of the Labor candidate he served.

Guard awarded $30K after sacking over drunk patient clash

In a reminder of the need for employers to strictly follow disciplinary procedures, the FWC has ordered a hospital pay more than $30,000 to a former security guard unfairly sacked over his treatment of an absconding mental health patient.