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459 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Remedy

Senior member fell into logic gap: FWC bench

An FWC full bench has found that a presidential member "Illogically" followed his ruling that a worker might not have been dismissed if fairly treated by calculating he would have worked just three more weeks if afforded due process.

Fond farewell email sparked sacking, claims manager

A long serving manager who group-replied to a colleague's departure announcement expressing surprise at his leaving claims it led to his own sacking after being accused by his supervisor of lacking professionalism.

Spirit of JobKeeper favoured retaining worker: FWC

The FWC has found employers are not obliged to keep workers on the payroll because of JobKeeper's availability, but has awarded a manager compensation for unfair dismissal that included 24 weeks of the job subsidy, because retaining him would have been "entirely consistent" with the scheme's objectives.

Employer took "kitchen sink" approach to allegations: FWC

The FWC has awarded $8000 compensation to an airport employee who transferred sensitive files from his work computer onto a personal USB, finding the employer took a "kitchen sink" approach to allegations used to justify his summary dismissal.

FWC kneecaps "point-scoring" employer

A managing director's attempt to "point-score" during hearings into the dismissal of an employee who feared a gun-owning co-worker has been decried by an FWC commissioner as among the "poorest displays" from a respondent she has encountered in five years on the Commission.

Tribunal delivers brutal takedown of government agency sacking

In a warning about the myriad ways disciplinary investigations can go wrong, the FWC has rejected virtually every finding a large government agency relied on to sack an experienced rail employee who described his dismissal meeting as a "Pearl Harbour" moment.

Court overturns executive's $1 million payout after HR stoush

A company forced to reinstate a senior executive sacked more than three years ago after a stoush with a HR manager has successfully appealed, with the Federal Court to redetermine his adverse action case if not resolved at mediation.

Tribunal head vents over member's "imprecise" decision

A tribunal head has taken the unusual step of critiquing a member's "imprecise" decision that required an appeal bench to review evidence to identify the reasoning behind his findings.