Procedural fairness page 48 of 54

537 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Procedural fairness

Employer pays for "puzzling" failure to dismiss worker

An accountant suspended and sent on "home leave" for his failure to honour a sale of business transaction and misdirecting company funds will receive seven months' salary because his employer failed to formally dismiss him, the Victorian Supreme Court has found.

Manager's sacking unjust despite committing retail "mortal sin": FWC

A shoe store manager who committed a retail "mortal sin" when he took cash from a customer and failed to account for it until a week later was unfairly sacked because his employer made significant procedural errors that included luring him to a meeting under false pretences, the FWC has found.

FWC allows dispute lodged after redundancy

An employee made redundant 12 days before lodging a dispute with the FWC can challenge his redundancy after the Commission rejected the employer's jurisdictional objection that he wasn't covered by the agreement at the time.

Redeployment chances unfairly compromised by seniority: FWC

A scientist whose seniority weighed against her in competing for internal vacancies at one of Australia's leading cancer institutes has been awarded 5.4 weeks' pay after the FWC found insufficient efforts were made at redeployment before her position was terminated.