Sex/ gender discrimination page 15 of 21

209 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Sex/ gender discrimination

Go external for harassment investigations: Tribunal

In a decision pointing out the multiple failures of an upmarket Adelaide supermarket to properly handle a juice bar worker's complaint that "the chef just touched my arse", a tribunal has ordered the company and her former colleague to jointly pay her $30,000 in damages.

Big jump in domestic violence assistance: WGEA

The gap between male and female full-time earnings has narrowed slightly over the past year, but there has been a substantial rise in adoption of domestic violence policies and leave by employers, according to the WGEA.

Full court weighs options after six-year hiatus

A full Federal Court is today probing whether a judge's six-year year delay in issuing a decision on a sexual harassment case led him to overlook the credit of witnesses and skimp on analysis as he "succumbed to the psychological attraction of a simple conclusion".

AWU's Walton responds to ex-official's harassment claim

The AWU has hit back at a Federal Circuit Court claim in which its former WA branch vice president is accusing the union of sacking her because she complained about alleged sexual harassment.

Employee demoted after s-xual harassment complaint

An employer victimised a supervisor by forcing her to take leave and change roles after she complained that a male colleague s-xually-harassed her when he stared at her breasts, a tribunal has found.

Court substantially rejects riding crop harassment case

The Federal Court has largely rejected a former CSIRO scientist's claim for more than $300,000 in compensation for alleged sexual harassment, discrimination and adverse action, instead awarding her $1000 over a senior manager's failure to comply with grievance procedures.

Suggestive poster discriminated against female worker: Tribunal

A tribunal has held that Sydney Water sexually harassed and discriminated against an employee when her photo was displayed on a workplace health and safety poster, for which she unwittingly posed, beneath the slogan "Feel great - lubricate!".

Male safety manager says Bluescope gender-biased

Bluescope Steel's former OHS manager is suing the company over its decision to appoint a female health and safety vice president, alleging it took discriminatory adverse action by refusing him the position because of his gender.

Six-year delay might render verdict "unsafe"

The Federal Court has found a sexually harassed worker has a reasonable chance of successfully challenging orders clearing a Boral subsidiary of vicarious liability, on the basis that the judgment is "unsafe" due to a six-year delay.