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Prison officer who assaulted inmates wins job back

The NSW IRC has ordered the reinstatement from today of a decorated senior prison officer it dismissed for assaulting three inmates while suffering from a mental illness, but he will be denied backpay due to his misconduct.

Ruling clarifies application of privacy principles to Facebook accounts

An employer was not obliged to immediately notify an employee it was accessing her Facebook messages or posts during a disciplinary investigation, Victoria's Supreme Court has confirmed in a decision clarifying the manner in which information privacy principles apply to social media.

Compensation discounted by $1100 after abusive text; & more

Compensation discounted for sending abusive texts; "Chronic" mental health issues don't warrant extension of time; IT consultant not an independent contractor, says FWC; and Airport trips not private travel.

Valid to sack worker for "bullying" Facebook post: FWC

A worker who made derogatory comments about a supervisor on social media has won $28,000 compensation because he was never told his dismissal was partly based on a confidential report claiming his behaviour had a negative effect on his colleagues.

Share gender equity responsibility between HR and managers: Report

Responsibility for gender equity strategies should be partially devolved from centralised HR departments to line managers, and training to combat "unconscious bias" in selection processes should be mandated for supervisors and managers, according to a new report on barriers to women's career advancement in higher education.

FWC upholds sacking of s-x abuser

The employer of a manager jailed for child s-x abuse denied him procedural fairness and should have obtained external advice before sacking him, but the FWC has found the dismissal a proportionate response.