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FWC orders Australia Post to produce Metcher report

The FWC has ordered Australia Post to allow Employment Minister Michaelia Cash to inspect the report of a confidential investigation into an employee's allegations against former CEPU leader Jim Metcher, after rejecting claims the document is privileged.

Cash code-change targeting "cartel-like" conduct

The Turnbull Government's national construction code is seeking to break the "cartel-like behaviour" between head contractors and construction unions, according to Employment Minister Michaelia Cash, but legal expert Andrew Stewart says building companies are facing "a complete mess".

Senate passes amendments to ABCC legislation

The Senate last night passed unamended the Turnbull Government’s legislation to reduce the phase-in period for the 2016 national construction code from two years to nine months.

Building industry will stop, enough is enough, CFMEU warns

The CFMEU says it will organise national protests and work stoppages in coming weeks with support from other unions and the ACTU to protest the return of the ABCC and the accelerated implementation of the 2016 national construction code.

Union defies order to halt strike by NDIS workers

The NSW Public Service Association has defied a court order restraining it from organising its members to strike in protest at the State Government's plans to privatise disability support work and will now face substantial penalties in the Supreme Court.

Court fines CFMEU for organising waterfront blockade

A court has fined the CFMEU and two organisers almost $100,000, after finding the union engaged in unlawful coercion and adverse action when it organised a blockade at the $1.6 billion Port of Melbourne expansion project because an employer refused to bargain.

Pizza Hut failing to deliver for workers: FWO

Fast food giant Pizza Hut has underpaid some of its delivery drivers, offering as little as $5.70 per delivery, with 92% of franchisees audited by the FWO failing to meet their legal obligations to employees, a report by the regulator has found.