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Dissenters decry "political motivation" for merger public interest test Bill

Coalition senators, in a new Senate inquiry report, have rejected concerns about the "ensuring integrity" bill that introduces a public interest test for union mergers, while minority Labor and Greens senators have dismissed the legislation as "politically-driven" and "politically-motivated".

Bill tougher on unions than Corporations Act on employers: McManus

ACTU secretary Sally McManus told a hearing in Melbourne today that the Federal Government’s "ensuring integrity" legislation would impose harsher standards and punishments on unions and their officials than the Corporations Act does to employers.

Xenophon will not support Government "sympathy strike" Bill

The Coalition's legislation that would raise maximum fines from $750.000 to $10 million for secondary boycotts is no certainty to become law after Nick Xenophon Team senators joined the Greens and Labor to declare it would not support it.

Unions question claims on merger public interest test

The ACTU has taken aim at the proposed public interest test for union amalgamations, saying there is no basis for the Turnbull Government's claim that it is the equivalent of the competition test for corporate mergers.

States forge ahead with labour hire regulation

Victoria will establish a specialist regulator under its plan to hold labour hire firms to tougher standards, confirming it will become the third state to legislate the industry in the absence of any action from the federal government.

Peaceful assembly laws don't proscribe IR protests: Court

In the first test of whether Queensland's laws regulating peaceful assemblies can be used to block pickets and protests during industrial disputes, the state's Supreme Court has rejected mining company Glencore's argument that such activities can't be authorised.