Unfair dismissal/termination of employment page 5 of 133

1323 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Unfair dismissal/termination of employment

Payout for WFH worker forced back to office

The FWC has awarded compensation to an accounts assistant who said she could not return to the office after working from home for almost a decade, while her employer maintained that the arrangement only began with the pandemic.

"Opaque" termination letter unhelpful: FWC

The FWC has extended time for a TAFE worker to challenge his sacking after accepting that he might have misinterpreted the employer's "wrongheaded" language and taken it to mean it took effect on the date it announced the result of a review of its decision.

Tribunal refuses to delete, anonymise ex-wife's name

The Queensland IRC has refused a bid by Together Queensland to anonymise or remove a worker's name from her ex-husband's unfair dismissal decision, which refers to her application for an order under the State Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act.

TAFE workers reinstated after law firm's investigation criticised

The FWC has taken a leading law firm to task over its protracted investigation of three TAFE employees accused of fraudulent, dishonest and corrupt behaviour, rejecting findings of misconduct that led to their dismissal and ordering their reinstatement.

Palmer ordered to pay $40,000 to worker ousted in mass sacking

A Clive Palmer-owned business must pay a worker almost $40,000 for dismissing him by email along with 125 other employees, claiming he failed to work his hours amid site-wide fraud, theft and dishonesty,, and then asking him to re-apply for his job 20 minutes later.

Procedural fairness failures make harassment sacking unfair

A football club's "deficient" investigation and lack of procedural fairness rendered unfair its sacking of a worker for spreading "false and degrading s-xualised rumours" in the workplace, the FWC has found.

Wharfies unfairly sacked over vax refusal: FWC

The FWC has ordered compensation but declined to reinstate 24 DP World wharfies sacked in 2021 for refusing to be vaccinated against COVID-19, finding that although the dismissal process was bungled, the workers "significantly contributed" to the situation.

Compensation numbers don't stack up: FWC

A FWC presidential member has stayed payment of $10,000 to an unfairly sacked worker after going beyond an employer's appeal grounds to identify potential flaws in calculation of the compensation.