Unfair dismissal/termination of employment page 3 of 133

1323 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Unfair dismissal/termination of employment

Member set bar "too high" for suppression orders: Bench

In a significant decision on principles of open justice, gas giant Santos has won confidentiality orders on its second attempt as it defends its sacking of a former outlaw motorcycle gang member accused of s-xually harassing a 22-year-old apprentice.

Weekend voicemail sacking "discourteous": FWC

A truck driver sacked without notice via a Saturday afternoon voicemail following the sale of his employer's business has won compensation, including a payment to cover the cost of "upskilling" his licence.

Compensation for worker sacked after big night out

An employer had insufficient evidence to support its sacking of a manager who consumed up to 15 standard drinks the day and evening before his 7am start, the FWC has ruled.

Relationship "overlap" explained bank withdrawals: FWC

The FWC has ordered a small business owner to compensate his "disgruntled" ex-partner after finding she withdrew money from the company account in the context of their "deteriorating relationship", not as an employee wanting to damage the enterprise.

Big miner should not have cut worker adrift: FWC

A MEU lodge president with an "extensive" disciplinary record has narrowly won his job back at a South32 coal mine, but not before having his backpay halved for failing to report the safety incident that led to his sacking.

Scottish brogue contributed to worker getting the boot: FWC

The FWC has found it highly likely that a worker's Scottish accent contributed to her "this is sh*t" comment being misheard by her supervisor as "I quit", meaning the employer lacked a valid reason for her subsequent dismissal.

Payouts cut after workers refuse 100% WFH restructure

The FWC has reduced the redundancy entitlements of five former employees of online trading platform Bartercard after they refused new positions requiring them to work exclusively from home and to fork out the full cost of setting up an appropriate space.

Role too different to reduce redundancy pay

The FWC has "condemned" an employer for characterising its bid to redeploy a worker to a "substantially different role" as fulfilling its redundancy obligations and has refused to reduce his severance payment.

Workplace standards now "even higher": FWC

In a decision warning that workplaces are "on notice" to meet far higher standards of behaviour, the FWC has thrown out the unfair dismissal claim of a veteran Alcoa worker held to have groped a female colleague.