Unfair dismissal/termination of employment page 128 of 133

1323 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Unfair dismissal/termination of employment

FWC must advise employer on reinstatement options: bench

A Fair Work Commission member's failure to alert an aged care operator during an unfair dismissal hearing that she might reinstate a nurse to a different operational area represented a denial of natural justice, a full bench has found.

Mother of a mistake no justification for late application

Allowing a late unfair dismissal application because of representative error is less likely to occur where the agent is not professionally qualified, a Fair Work Commission appeal bench has ruled.

Ashurst lawyer slams employer's "egregious contempt"

The Federal Circuit Court has added $40,000 and costs to a company's unfair dismissal bill after it failed to pay a sacked worker $49,000 the Fair Work Commission awarded him.

Direction to work extra hours ruled unlawful and unreasonable

A company's requirement for an employee to work additional unpaid hours and make himself available on-call was neither lawful nor reasonable, the Fair Work Commission has ruled in upholding his unfair dismissal claim.

HR shortcomings make urinating driver's dismissal unfair

A truck driver sacked for urinating outside the entrance to a Woolworths warehouse will receive around $14,000 in compensation after the Fair Work Commission ruled his employer's handling of the investigation into the incident rendered his dismissal unfair.

Unfair dismissal claim doesn't survive worker's death: FWC

The Fair Work Commission has refused to allow the friend of an employee who died before his unfair dismissal claim was heard to continue with the case, ruling it had no reasonable prospect of success.

Council chief keeps reasonable notice compensation

A Supreme Court appeal bench has upheld a ruling that a local council's chief executive was not covered by an award and was therefore entitled to 12 months' notice of dismissal.