Unfair dismissal/termination of employment page 110 of 133

1323 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Unfair dismissal/termination of employment

Howard-backed postal worker wins compensation for summary dismissal

A postal worker who was backed by then shadow IR minister John Howard in postal union elections 20 years ago has today won compensation after the FWC ruled that Australia Post made a single "glaring error" when it summarily dismissed him.

Redundancy payouts must count regular casual service: FWC majority

Employers calculating redundancy payments will have to count periods of regular and systematic casual employment before workers became permanent, after a Fair Work Commission majority ruling that a dissenting member warns could retrospectively bestow other entitlements such as annual leave.

Manus Island unfair dismissal claim rejected

An unfair dismissal claim by a Manus Island offshore processing centre security advisor has failed after the FWC upheld the employer's jurisdictional objection that he wasn't sacked, but rather his contract had simply expired.

Manager's sacking unjust despite committing retail "mortal sin": FWC

A shoe store manager who committed a retail "mortal sin" when he took cash from a customer and failed to account for it until a week later was unfairly sacked because his employer made significant procedural errors that included luring him to a meeting under false pretences, the FWC has found.

Full bench rejects "re-run" appeal over bullying dismissal

A nurse sacked for allegedly bullying and harassing colleagues after a workplace dispute has had her unfair dismissal appeal rejected because her claims were nothing more than a "re-run" of the original case, an FWC full bench has found.

Full bench rejects criminal law principle in dismissal appeal

An employee sacked after allegedly telling police he had smoked synthetic cannabis before crashing his car following a nightshift has unsuccessfully argued his admission shouldn't have been used as grounds for dismissal.