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Full court reserves on bargaining notice case

A full Federal Court has reserved its decision on the SDA's attempt to overturn an Aldi enterprise deal, in a case likely to have ramifications for hundreds of existing agreements.

Court orders CFA to release communications with minister

The Victorian Supreme Court has ordered the Country Fire Authority to produce communications with its minister and advice it received from the Andrews Government about its proposed new enterprise agreement.

Annualised salary deal didn't specify award opt-outs, says court

A court has cleared the way for an employee to pursue claims for $29,000 in allegedly unpaid overtime and lunch breaks after finding her employment contract failed to specify the provisions of the clerks award that would be bought out in her annualised salary.

FWC terminates DIBP industrial action

The Fair Work Commission has terminated industrial action at the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, opening the door to the arbitration of a new agreement after a bargaining deadlock of almost three years.

Fine for employer that threatened pay cut after complaint

A court has penalised a medical surgery and its directors more than $50,000 for coercive threats to force a doctor to withdraw a complaint to the FWO and adverse action when the practice stopped paying him.

Coalition to legislate stronger FWO powers next year

The Turnbull Government will introduce legislation early next year to give the Fair Work Ombudsman new examination powers and expressly prohibit employers from providing false and misleading information.