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Bargained pay rises resume 3%-plus growth, for now

Private sector enterprise agreements approved in the September quarter paid an average wage rise of 3.4% a year, after construction deals providing substantial annual increases helped to lifted bargained wage deals out of the doldrums, new Department of Employment data reveals.

University seeks to axe agreement

WA's Murdoch University has applied to terminate its enterprise agreement, which the NTEU claims could cut academics' pay by 25% to 40% once they fall back onto underlying awards.

Union breached organiser's contract: Court

The Federal Court has found that the CEPU breached a former organiser's employment contract but didn't take adverse action when it cut his pay after former southern states branch leader Kevin Harkins allegedly told him if he didn't like it he could "f-ck off and there's the door".

Commission ends dads' flexible arrangement for school pick-ups

A tribunal has ordered two male employees to resume standard business hours from next month after it upheld an employer's decision to boost operational efficiency by ending a long-standing flexible work arrangement that allowed them to leave early enough to pick up their children from school.

Rebuff for ABCC bid to hold union leader responsible

The ABCC has failed in an attempt to convince a full Federal Court to deny CFMEU construction and general division Queensland branch secretary Michael Ravbar an entry permit because of his responsibility for the union's "culture of wilful disobedience".

$100 in damages for "bullied" ship's officer

The Federal Court has awarded a ship's officer $100 in nominal damages for her employer's breach of her employment contract, finding it could not have foreseen that its flawed investigation of allegations she was bullied by her captain would lead her to stop working in the maritime industry altogether.

FWO goes after MUA over 2015 port strikes

The MUA may be forced to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation and penalties after the FWO commenced legal action against the union for allegedly organising unlawful, week-long industrial action at Sydney and Brisbane ports last year.

Bench awards costs against "obsessive, dogmatic" appellant

An FWC full bench has ordered a nurse intent on having her "day in court" to pay $5,000 in legal costs for pursuing an appeal with no reasonable prospects of success, despite threats she would take her own life if costs went against her.

Court throws out FWBC subbie discrimination case

The FWBC is reviewing its legal options after the Federal Court rejected its claims that a construction company discriminated against a subcontractor it dropped because it did not have a union agreement.

CIO's $500,000 payout after unhonoured verbal deal

Victoria's Court of Appeal has awarded a chief information officer more than $477,000 because his employer failed to honour a verbal agreement about his entitlements.