Victoria page 8 of 25

249 articles are classified in All Articles > Jurisdiction > Victoria

No need to change Act to address gig workers: AiG

The Ai Group has warned against a key recommendation of Victoria's landmark inquiry into the on-demand workforce, which called for codification of work status in the Fair Work Act rather than relying on "indistinct" common law tests.

Uber says class action too reliant on hypothetical claims

The Uber group of companies is contending that a class action by almost 8000 taxi drivers, operators and licensees relies excessively on "hypothetical" allegations about matters that are claimed to be "typical".

"Strongly-held belief" no proof of pregnancy discrimination

A court has rejected a worker's claim that her employer discriminated against her because of her pregnancy, finding no evidence that her colleagues had any knowledge of it before she initially lodged a complaint with the Human Rights Commission.

Uber faces burgeoning class action

The landmark class action seeking compensation from Uber has swollen to cover almost 8000 taxi drivers, operators and licence owners as claimants across four states.

Victoria trialling workplace COVID-19 saliva tests

Victoria's Andrews Government is working with the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity on trials of workplace surveillance testing for COVID-19 that rely on saliva samples rather than the more intrusive nasal swabs.

Victoria starts consultations on gig economy proposals

Victoria's Andrews Labor Government has opened public consultations into the recommendations of the landmark inquiry into the gig economy workforce, while it has also appointed its first public sector gender equality commissioner.