Queensland page 9 of 15

145 articles are classified in All Articles > Jurisdiction > Queensland

I shouldn't have read damning material: IR Commissioner

A state IR commissioner has recused himself from hearing a high-profile adverse action case after admitting he shouldn't have perused material from the state's anti-corruption body that contradicted other evidence, before he considered admitting it.

New leadership for AWU in Queensland

The AWU's Queensland branch will soon have a new secretary to drive its efforts to rebuild its ailing membership and finances.

Dispute exposes tear in super-merger's fabric

An entry dispute at a Queensland textile plant has exposed subterranean tensions during the merger of the CFMEU, TCFU and MUA, raising concerns about possible internal coverage disputes in future.

Union officials say they were unlawfully bugged

Former union leader Julie Bignell is among of a group of senior elected officials and employees of Together Queensland who have complained to the ROC and privacy commissioner over alleged unlawful and unauthorised covert in-house surveillance of their emails and keystrokes during a protracted merger process completed three years ago.