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Opposition probes FWC on alleged internal bully/harass case

Shadow workplace relations minister Michaelia Cash has quizzed FWC general manager Murray Furlong on a "potentially serious" bullying or harassment allegation involving a tribunal member, and has questioned the ability of a former gang member to retain his entry permit while facing criminal charges.

Push for 10 days reproductive health leave at ACTU Congress

A "broad coalition" of unions will call at this week's ACTU Congress in Adelaide for the peak group to press the Albanese Labor Government to legislate next year to insert 10 days reproductive health leave into the NES, according to key affiliate the Queensland Council of Unions.

Queensland to bolster industrial manslaughter laws

Queensland's Miles Government has introduced legislation to expand the reach of its industrial manslaughter legislation and bring it into line with equivalent state laws.

Criticising bosses on chat group a sackable offence: FWC

A supervisor's criticism of management in a social media group chat that "incit[ed] a negative and combative environment among the team", along with performance issues, provided a valid basis for dismissing her, the FWC has found.

Reforms to curb local government corruption risks: Cotsis

The Minns Labor Government is introducing legislation to ensure senior local government executives are covered by an award or other IRC-approved industrial instrument, in response to anti-corruption commission findings that standard contract provisions might pose a corruption risk.

Unions pushing for reproductive health leave in NES

Queensland's peak union body will push the Albanese Government to add paid reproductive health leave to the National Employment Standards in its next term, and has released a model clause to advance the claim in bargaining, as part of its "It's For Every Body" campaign.

Big miner should not have cut worker adrift: FWC

A MEU lodge president with an "extensive" disciplinary record has narrowly won his job back at a South32 coal mine, but not before having his backpay halved for failing to report the safety incident that led to his sacking.

Workplace standards now "even higher": FWC

In a decision warning that workplaces are "on notice" to meet far higher standards of behaviour, the FWC has thrown out the unfair dismissal claim of a veteran Alcoa worker held to have groped a female colleague.