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Deals on the table at two casinos, approved at another

Crown Melbourne and United Voice are close to agreeing on a new deal for 4500 hospitality and gaming employees after the casino upped its offer to 3.75% a year for three years plus an annual 0.5% "recognition allowance", while the FWC today approved a Crown Perth agreement that provides a 7% raise.

Inquiry to consider "just transition" for displaced power workers

The Greens and Labor have today combined to initiate an upper house inquiry into a "just transition" for workers displaced when coal-fired power stations close down to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while the Senate is also set to examine federal public sector bargaining and "corporate avoidance of industrial obligations".

Valid to sack worker for "bullying" Facebook post: FWC

A worker who made derogatory comments about a supervisor on social media has won $28,000 compensation because he was never told his dismissal was partly based on a confidential report claiming his behaviour had a negative effect on his colleagues.