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Costs against worker who claimed s-xual harassment

The Federal Court has ordered costs against a CSIRO scientist who falsely accused colleagues of s-xual harassment and discrimination, while also fining the agency for a complaint-handling failure it sought to "trivialise".

Winery sacking far from vintage: FWC

A wine producer has been ordered to pay a 72-year-old former sales manager more than $15,000 in compensation after an FWC finding that an external "dispute resolution" consultant contributed to a flawed dismissal process.

Go external for harassment investigations: Tribunal

In a decision pointing out the multiple failures of an upmarket Adelaide supermarket to properly handle a juice bar worker's complaint that "the chef just touched my arse", a tribunal has ordered the company and her former colleague to jointly pay her $30,000 in damages.

Customer feedback "unfair" performance measure: FWC

In a decision that might convince employers to reconsider using client feedback as a basis for KPIs, the FWC has highlighted Audi's "astounding" absence of HR specialists in finding it unfairly dismissed a service advisor for failing to meet benchmark customer survey scores.

Victoria introduces industrial manslaughter laws

Victorian Attorney-General and workplace safety minister Jill Hennessy says that new legislation to create a criminal offence of industrial manslaughter could extend to some workplace-linked suicides and to diseases such as silicosis.

Court rules officials must show permits for safety entry

The Federal Court has closed a loophole under which union organisers maintained they could enter sites to discuss safety issues under state OHS laws without showing their federal entry permits.

MS/Parkinson's sufferer claims discriminatory sacking

Professionals Australia has filed a $380,000 discrimination and adverse action claim against one of the nation's largest defence contractors, alleging it unlawfully sacked a manager after nearly 20 years' service because he suffers from multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.

Industrial manslaughter firmly on agenda as Victoria prepares laws

Victoria's Andrews Labor Government is preparing to introduce industrial manslaughter legislation into State Parliament by the end of the year, while Federal IR Minister Christian Porter says further investigation is needed before such an offence is incorporated in the model WHS Act.