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Respect Bill passes both houses

The Morrison Government's Respect@Work legislation has now passed both houses of parliament, after the House of Representatives early this afternoon backed the legislation, as amended by the Senate yesterday.

"Positive duty" focus in Senate's Respect@Work debate

Labor and the Greens have flagged amendments to the Respect@Work legislation that would place a positive duty on employers to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.

Parliamentary inquiry considers four-day work week

A parliamentary inquiry into the future of the working week will probe questions such as whether the disruption caused by COVID-19 has created an opportunity and impetus for introducing a four-day week.

Inquiry backs FWC delay, but rejects "positive duty" call

A Coalition-dominated Senate inquiry has backed the FWC's request to delay implementing proposed extensions to its anti-sexual-harassment jurisdiction, but declined to support Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins' call to include her "positive duty" recommendation in the Morrison Government's Respect at Work legislation.

Mining sector backs Jenkins' positive duty call

The resource sector's peak body has backed Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins' call for the Morrison Government to include her "positive duty" recommendation in the Respect at Work legislation.

Name and shame threat for recalcitrant pollies

The Morrison Government will establish an independent complaints mechanism to handle sexual harassment, assaults and bullying in Federal parliamentary workplaces, while it is also considering "naming and shaming" MPs and senators who fail to undertake anti-harassment training.

Bring back IR flexibilities ASAP, urge employers

Employers faced with widening lockdowns and restrictions have called on the Morrison Government to reintroduce temporary IR flexibilities including directed stand-downs and reduced hours once Parliament resumes next month.

FWC seeks delay for anti-harassment orders

The FWC has asked the Morrison Government to delay its proposed new capacity to make anti-sexual-harassment orders to give it time to prepare for a flood of applications, in an echo of a call it made eight years ago before the introduction of the anti-bullying regime.

Bill empowers FWC to make anti-harassment orders

The Fair Work Commission will be able to make a "stop sexual harassment order" after a single incident under legislation introduced today to implement some of the recommendations from Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins' Respect@Work report.

Government introduces Respect@Work legislative changes

The Morrison Government has today introduced legislation into the Senate that amends the Fair Work Act and Sex Discrimination Act to respond to Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins' landmark Respect@Work report, which includes two days paid compassionate leave for workers who suffer miscarriages.