Appointments/resignations/movements page 8 of 28

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Just a handful of unionists elected in Albanese victory

A score of former union officials and activists moved into Parliament 15 years ago when the Rudd Labor Government took power at the "Work Choices" poll, but this time is different, with only a few winning, or a chance of winning, seats in Saturday's election victory for the party.

Cash makes pre-poll FWC appointment of IR manager

An IR manager who recently gave evidence in his company's FWC bid for a s418 anti-industrial-action order will now be sitting on the Commission's bench, after Attorney-General and IR Minister Michaelia Cash made a last-minute appointment ahead of the election anticipated next month.

Cash appoints judge, won't be drawn on FWC jobs

Attorney General and IR Minister Michaelia Cash has today appointed a senior Sydney IR and employment silk as a Federal Court judge, while she has refused to confirm whether she intends to make any FWC appointments ahead of the Government going into caretaker mode.

Cash gives Bielecki two more years at ROC's helm

With a federal election likely in May, IR Minister Michaelia Cash has thumbed her nose at Labor's plan to axe the Registered Organisations Commission, giving Mark Bielecki another two years as its leader.

Former ASU leader seeking preselection for Senate

Former ASU assistant national secretary Linda White has emerged as a leading contender to replace veteran Labor Senator for Victoria and former frontbencher Kim Carr.

SA Labor Government to move on wage theft, labour hire

South Australia's new Premier, Peter Malinauskas, takes office on a platform that includes introducing jail time for the worst cases of wage theft, creating an offence of industrial manslaughter and extending labour hire regulation across all industries.

Sydney most likely post if new FWC member hired: GM

If the Federal Government appoints a new member to the FWC, they are likely to be located in Sydney, the tribunal's general manager told a Senate Estimates hearing last night.

Ross sidelines Dean after vaccination case dissent

FWC President Iain Ross wrote to Deputy President Lyndall Dean after her controversial dissent in the Kimber compulsory vaccination ruling and alerted IR Minister Michaelia Cash to the correspondence, a Senate committee heard this evening.

More hot water for deputy president after social media jab post

IR Minister Michaelia Cash will raise with FWC President Iain Ross a LinkedIn post by maverick Deputy President Lyndall Dean that endorses criticism of Australia's "Chinese-style totalitarian" health response to COVID-19, she told a Senate Estimates hearing this morning.

Furlong appointed FWC general manager

Former FWC delegate Murray Furlong has today been appointed general manager of the Commission, replacing Bernadette O'Neill.