Appointments/resignations/movements page 5 of 29

282 articles are classified in All Articles > People > Appointments/resignations/movements

RBA board appointees came from candidates list: Lowe

Reserve Bank Governor Philip Lowe says the two new appointments to the RBA board - ex-FWC president Iain Ross and business executive Elena Rubin - came from an existing list of potential candidates.

Greg Vines to lead Comcare

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke has today announced former ILO deputy director-general Greg Vines' appointment as chief executive of Comcare.

Search underway after APS leader Woolcott retires

Public Service Minister Katy Gallagher has paid tribute to outgoing Public Service Commissioner Peter Woolcott, who has announced that he will retire when his five-year term ends.

Parker stepping down from Ombudsman role

Fair Work Ombudsman Sandra Parker has confirmed that she will not seek reappointment when her term expires in July, with DEWR now advertising for her replacement.

Labor continues "rebalancing" of FWC with five appointments

The Albanese Government has today announced the appointment of five new members from union or union-friendly backgrounds, along with the promotion of Deputy President Ingrid Asbury - a former AiG executive - to the vice president position left vacant with the ascension of Adam Hatcher to president.

New FWC panel members to serve on wage bench

Newly-appointed FWC expert panel members Marian Baird and Mark Cully will serve on this year's crucial minimum wage case bench, as inflation substantially outpaces pay growth and the Reserve Bank continues to warn against the prospect of a wage-price spiral.

Burke names FWC expert panel members

IR Minister Tony Burke has today appointed three members to the expert panels established by the Secure Jobs Act.

More change coming when Ombudsman's term ends?

In the wake of the Albanese Government's recent appointment of a new FWC president, it has a further opportunity to reshape Fair Work institutions with the looming expiry of Fair Work Ombudsman Sandra Parker's five-year term.