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Minister launches investigation into Lawler complaints

The Turnbull Government will appoint an independent investigator to inquire into complaints about the conduct of FWC Vice President Michael Lawler, Workplace Relations Minister Michaelia Cash announced this morning.

Mirvac helped build BLF official's house, inquiry hears

A former Mirvac Queensland manager gave approval to provide materials and tradespeople for a house being built by a State secretary of the BLF, the Heydon Royal Commission has heard.

HSU's Williamson fails to secure shorter jail sentence

The NSW Court of Criminal Appeal has today rejected a bid by imprisoned former HSU leader Michael Williamson to have his sentence reduced, meaning he is set to serve out a five-year non-parole period.

Lewin signs off after long career

Long-serving Fair Work Commissioner John Lewin retires this week after nearly 30 years of conciliating and arbitrating industrial disputes.

Heydon stays, hearings resume tomorrow

Royal Commissioner Dyson Heydon has rejected union applications for him to stand down from the inquiry on the grounds of apprehended bias, while acknowledging they could still apply to a court to make such a ruling.

Heydon defers again

Royal Commissioner Dyson Heydon will defer until Monday his ruling on whether to stand down as Royal Commissioner following a late request from the ACTU this afternoon.