Fair Work Commission and predecessors page 1 of 204

2033 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Fair Work Commission and predecessors

No allowance for paramedic upskilling 200km from home

The FWC has found a paramedic is not entitled to a living-away-from-home allowance as he chose rather than was directed to undertake additional training his employer provided 200 kilometres from his residence.

Rule changes will help union meet governance obligations: FWC

The FWC's registered organisations branch has certified rule changes for a prison officers' union stemming from an enforceable undertaking made after the CPSU-SPSF disclosed alleged misconduct in branch elections.

Valid reason "need not be the one given": FWC

In a case that yesterday earned a mention in Parliament, the FWC has overlooked an employer's reasons for sacking a volatile employee to find that his own evidence that he was "not right" to return to work because mental health issues justified the dismissal.

Opposition probes FWC on alleged internal bully/harass case

Shadow workplace relations minister Michaelia Cash has quizzed FWC general manager Murray Furlong on a "potentially serious" bullying or harassment allegation involving a tribunal member, and has questioned the ability of a former gang member to retain his entry permit while facing criminal charges.

"Theft" case errors not significant enough: Bench

A FWC bench has upheld a ruling that a club unfairly sacked a casual duty manager after accusing her of stealing a drink, but not before rejecting a presidential member's finding that the "theft" needed to be established "beyond reasonable doubt" and that the employer used an "intimidatory" dismissal process.

Time extended for worker told he couldn't contest sacking

The FWC has extended time for a late unfair sacking claim after accepting that the worker held off making his application because the employer told him that he had failed to serve the minimum employment period and its external HR provider and its solicitor then reinforced it with similar advice.

Worker misled FWC about job offer

A FWC member has permitted an anti-bullying hearing to go ahead despite her concerns that the worker and her representative misled the tribunal when they denied that the worker had accepted a job offer.