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Wharfies unfairly sacked over vax refusal: FWC

The FWC has ordered compensation but declined to reinstate 24 DP World wharfies sacked in 2021 for refusing to be vaccinated against COVID-19, finding that although the dismissal process was bungled, the workers "significantly contributed" to the situation.

"Historic" award modernisation process now on FWC website

The FWC has published a digital database of the 2008-09 award modernisation process, comprising thousands of searchable documents making up what then Workplace Relations Minister Julia Gillard described as a "historic reform" of Australia's awards system.

Hatcher intervenes after worker "horrified" by adverse action result

FWC President Adam Hatcher has ordered a paid IR agent to attend a conference to resolve a worker's complaint that he ended up out of pocket after settling an adverse action case his representative sought to discontinue without his express approval.

Hearing date set for Lattouf case

The FWC will in March hear ABC arguments that radio presenter Antoinette Lattouf's claim that the broadcaster unlawfully sacked her over an Instagram post critical of Israel's war in Gaza cannot proceed because of her casual engagement and reliance on the wrong provision of the Fair Work Act.

More laws, bigger workload, no worries: FWC president

A performance statement by FWC president Adam Hatcher has hailed the tribunal's "successful implementation" of workplace law changes wrought by the Secure Jobs Act, which contributed to a 13% rise in the Commission's workload in the second half of last year.

Shield wharves from protracted disputes: DP World

DP World has told a Senate hearing into the remaining Loopholes measures that the stevedoring industry should be shielded from protracted bargaining conflicts, warning that multi-employer bargaining could cripple ports.

Compensation numbers don't stack up: FWC

A FWC presidential member has stayed payment of $10,000 to an unfairly sacked worker after going beyond an employer's appeal grounds to identify potential flaws in calculation of the compensation.

FWC provides successful conduit between highly-charged parties

The FWC has played a key role in settling a fiery dispute between the ETU and a battery manufacturer, commending them for taking a "cooperative approach" in accepting the tribunal's recommended changes to a proposed deal.

FWC issues first RO enforceable undertaking

The first enforceable undertaking under the FWC's restored registered organisations powers provides for a union to further train its officers on the conduct of elections.