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Victoria might seek to halt ambos' action; RBA says wages "subdued"; & more

Victoria will seek to terminate ambulance action that affects community safety; RBA says wages subdued; WPI growing at slowest recorded pace; Discipline policy overrides custom: decision upheld; Up to $7 trillion of super could fund infrastructure growth by 2030: report shows; Vale Kathrine (Kath) Nelson; and Correction to article about WA minister.

Gender equality reporting system "easier, quicker" than old regime: Director

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency says the new mandatory reports that employers of 100-plus employees must submit on April 1 next year will be "significantly easier and quicker to complete" than those under the previous regime. Meanwhile, the WGEA is relaunching its employer of choice accreditation scheme.

Union membership up slightly, but density down

Unions gained 6,000 members in the 12 months to August last year, but growth failed to keep pace with the size of the workforce, so density fell from 18.4% to 18.2% overall and from 13.2% to 13% in the private sector, according to the ABS.