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Union lashed over delaying agreement approval

The CFMMEU has been lashed for its role in delaying the approval of a three-worker agreement replacing an expired deal, the FWC questioning whether it was pursuing an "agenda" rather than assisting the tribunal as required under the relevant legislative provisions.

FWC backs sacking of worker who told manager: "You're dead"

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a sales assistant for serious misconduct that included s-xual harassment and threatening colleagues, while conceding the employer could have done a better job of responding to emerging signs of changes in his behaviour.

"Skilled and experienced" advocates win FWC's favour

The FWC has taken into account that a legally-qualified Qantas ER manager with experience appearing before the tribunal is not a seasoned advocate, in granting the airline's application for legal representation to defend an anti-bullying claim.

Personal preferences would "mire" BOOT, says FWC

Approving a deal that lacks RDO and TOIL provisions contained in the retail award, a senior FWC member has warned the Better Off Overall Test would become "mired in speculation on subjective and unquantifiable matters" if he had to factor in the personal preferences of each employee.

Airline's corporate structure hampers bargaining: Union

The ASU and Virgin Australia have clashed over the former's bid for a majority support determination to open the way for bargaining, the union alleging the airline's organisational structure intentionally impeded the process.

Court puts bite on recalcitrant, underpaying dentist

The former director of a liquidated dental practice has been penalised and ordered to backpay a 457 visa worker thousands of dollars after a second adverse underpayment judgment involving his company.

High Court ruling to constrain expression of political views: Academics

Academics are warning of a "chilling effect" on the ability of public servants to express their political views, following today's High Court finding that a government department lawfully dismissed a public affairs officer over a barrage of highly-critical anonymous tweets.

Settlement wins back 100% of FEG outlays

IR Minister Christian Porter has congratulated his department and a Government-appointed special purpose liquidator for securing recovery of 100% of entitlements paid by the FEG to former employees of failed Clive Palmer entity Queensland Nickel.

HR title add-on helps sink council bid for external lawyers

The addition of 'human resources' to an acting health and safety advisor's job title has helped persuade the FWC that a council can rely on its own employees rather than external legal representation to defend an unfair dismissal case.