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Umpire's chambers hosted "erotic" figurines, life-size Trump cut-out

FWC Deputy President Gerard Boyce removed "inappropriate" female figurines from his Sydney chambers after senior colleagues and others raised concerns about them, while the presence of a "life-size cardboard cut-out" of President Donald Trump was at least "unwise", the tribunal's general manager told a Senate Estimates hearing today.

"Obvious financial detriment" sinks deal, says bench

An FWC full bench has quashed the approval of a Uniting Church agreement that the nurses' union said was "unworthy" of its secretary's signature after a claimed industrial gerrymander, finding an undertaking introduced "obvious financial detriment".

Bench quashes Gina's rail deal

An FWC full bench has quashed the approval of deal negotiated with two train drivers but set to cover an entire transferred workforce on the Roy Hill Pilbara mine network, finding a senior member failed to properly consider whether the employer took all reasonable steps to explain the effect of its terms.

Agreement's age-based medical exams discriminatory: FWC

A proposed agreement requiring employees aged 50 and over to submit to more frequent medical examinations will be considered for approval only if the term is removed, the FWC has found.

Majority rejects restrictive take on general protections laws

A Federal Court full court majority has given a broad meaning to a section in the Fair Work Act's general protections that says employees must be "able to complain" to establish a breach of their workplace rights.

We did answer the question: Ross to fellow judges

An FWC bench led by Justice Iain Ross has shot back at a full Federal Court direction to properly answer a question posed by the president himself, maintaining it had already done so before highlighting the relevant passages.

Seasoned IR advisor to freshen Woolies' act

Woolworths has retained former Fair Work Commission member Greg Harrison to independently review backpayment claims by current or former employees.

Added NERR wording coloured agreement process: FWC

The FWC has rejected a massage therapists' deal on the basis that extra wording in a preamble and at the end of the representational rights notice might have affected employees' interpretation and detracted from key messages.