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Tribunal refuses to delete, anonymise ex-wife's name

The Queensland IRC has refused a bid by Together Queensland to anonymise or remove a worker's name from her ex-husband's unfair dismissal decision, which refers to her application for an order under the State Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act.

Worker allegedly labelled "f-ggot" and "princess" fails to limit costs

A worker who is accusing his employer of sacking him after he complained about his co-workers' alleged discriminatory behaviour - included calling him a "skippy poofter" and grabbing his genitalia - has failed to cap his potential maximum court costs at $30,000.

DEWR's remote workers "wired into the matrix": James

DEWR secretary Natalie James has defended her department's working from home arrangements and explained why they are different from the newly-passed laws giving employees a right to disconnect out of ordinary hours.

Major harassment case targets supplier to Woolies, Coles

A major fruit and vegetable grower defending one of the biggest workplace s-xual harassment and assault cases in Australia says it took "immediate steps" to remove the accused workers and it no longer employs them.

Palmer ordered to pay $40,000 to worker ousted in mass sacking

A Clive Palmer-owned business must pay a worker almost $40,000 for dismissing him by email along with 125 other employees, claiming he failed to work his hours amid site-wide fraud, theft and dishonesty,, and then asking him to re-apply for his job 20 minutes later.

Procedural fairness failures make harassment sacking unfair

A football club's "deficient" investigation and lack of procedural fairness rendered unfair its sacking of a worker for spreading "false and degrading s-xualised rumours" in the workplace, the FWC has found.

Crossbench talks continuing ahead of Loopholes debate

IR Minister Tony Burke says the Albanese Government is "not there yet" in talks with key crossbenchers ahead of this week's Senate debate on its Closing Loopholes No 2 legislation, while consultations on including a "right to disconnect" are tackling the role of fines.

FWC seeking views on WFH, disconnect rights in awards

The FWC is seeking feedback by March 12 on the possible incorporation into modern awards of key recommendations of the recent Senate work and care inquiry, including rights to work from home and to disconnect from the workplace.