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391 articles are classified in All Articles > 2020 coronavirus pandemic > Unions

Newsflash: ACTU Congress upended by virus

The policy development aspect of next week's planned ACTU triennial Congress has been put on ice as a consequence of Melbourne's COVID-19 lockdown.

Pubs tap FWC for loaded rates

Higher-paid hospitality workers' overtime and penalty payments would be rolled up into loaded rates under an award variation proposed by employers in response to COVID-19's impact on the industry.

FWC endorses flexibility provisions in restaurant award

An FWC full bench has approved a Restaurant and Catering Industrial proposal to streamline restaurant award classifications, exempt higher-paid workers from key award conditions for more pay and introduce all-in allowances, but has provided for its fairness and efficiency to be reviewed after nine months.

Ross calls conference to weigh COVID-19 outbreak award changes

FWC President Iain Ross will next week convene a private conference of employers groups, unions and federal and NSW governments to canvass possible temporary changes to awards in response to the COVID-19 lockdown in Greater Sydney, after a request today from the ACTU.

ACTU Congress to consider WFH, disconnection rights

The ACTU's triennial Congress is set to endorse a suite of policies on working from home that extend to the "right to disconnect" from work, payment for all time worked and workers having choice and control over hours.

Employers seeking to play their part in national vax effort

Employer groups have welcomed talks with the Morrison Government on the part they can play in advancing the vaccine rollout once Pfizer supplies improve, including workplace vaccinations, but they are still awaiting assurances on indemnity and liability.

Jabs in workplace the answer in aged care: ACTU

In the wake of National Cabinet last night agreeing to make COVID-19 inoculations compulsory for residential aged worker, the ACTU says that what "really needs to be mandated is a vaccine team visiting every aged care home".