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BHP faces new test of in-house labour hire model

The MEU has opened up another front in its continuing battles with BHP, claiming in a new Federal Court case that the mining giant is breaching award provisions by failing to give its Operations Services in-house labour hire workforce Christmas and Boxing Day off and not seeking majority support for regular shifts in excess of 10 hours.

MEU maintaining SJSP pressure in coal mining

With only eight weeks until same-job, same-pay orders can take effect, the MEU is continuing to put coal mining majors and their labour suppliers on notice that it won't tolerate two-tier workforces, launching new claims against companies including Peabody Energy and Workpac that came before before FWC president Adam Hatcher yesterday.

Productivity down, hours and labour costs up: ABS

Productivity in the private sector dropped sharply in the June quarter as hours worked and real labour costs increased, according to ABS national accounts data released today.

Time's up for accountant on s-x offenders list

The FWC has refused to extend time for a convicted child s-x offender sacked after his employer discovered his use of a pseudonym to conceal his past, rejecting a psychologist's "contradictory" evidence about his capacity to complete the necessary forms.

Former CFMEU leaders mount High Court challenge

Former leaders of the CFMEU construction division's Queensland branch have made good on their threat to launch a High Court challenge to Federal Government legislation placing union branches under administration, today filing a special leave application arguing the laws are unconstitutional and in breach of separation of power principles.

Gaske takes on ASU leadership

ASU assistant national secretary Emeline Gaske today takes over the helm of the union from departing national secretary Robert Potter, who is moving on to take up a role focussed on net zero investment and jobs.

TWU takes the wheel at misfiring branch

The TWU's dysfunctional Victoria/Tasmania branch has been "disbanded" after an investigation led by a former judge confirmed "serious" operational and cultural problems.

Metcash labour suppliers "working through" SJSP equation

The FWC has given distribution giant Metcash and its on-hire labour providers six weeks to say whether they will oppose a SDA and UWU claim for same-job, same-pay orders locking in annual pay rises of up to $12,700.

CFMEU administrator backs lawful "militancy"

Newly-installed CFMEU construction division administrator Mark Irving KC has told members that "militancy in accordance with the [Fair Work] Act" is not unlawful and that the union will not make political donations or take "positions" at ALP conferences while he is in charge.