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HR consultant gave "astonishingly poor" advice: FWC

The FWC has lashed a HR consultant's "astonishingly poor" advice as contributing to the unfair dismissal of a long-serving manager whose redundancy process descended into accusations of serious misconduct, in part because of a mistaken belief that he emailed malware to his former employer.

RtD compels minimising outside hours contact: Unions

Employers would have to take all reasonably practicable steps to eliminate or minimise the need to contact workers out of hours, such as through adequate staffing and informing managers and third parties, under an ACTU draft "right to disconnect" award clause.

Don't adopt Fair Work Act's "misshapen wheel": Latham

As the Minns Labor Government prepares to introduce further IR amendments in NSW, the lawyer involved in one of the first adverse action cases brought under the Fair Work Act has told a conference the one thing he would not recommend is adopting the federal legislation's general protections provisions.

Academic's 'cancel culture' win overturned by full court

Sydney University will not have to reinstate a lecturer sacked five years ago for superimposing a swastika on an image of an Israeli flag, after a full Federal Court majority found he could not prove that his "incendiary" conduct fell under intellectual freedom protections.

"Significant" mental health challenges warrant 13-day extension: FWC

The FWC has extended time for a worker with "significant" mental health issues beyond the "ordinary stress" associated with most sackings, despite finding that representative error might also have contributed to the delay in filing her unfair dismissal case.

Hospital operator wins injunction after "misleading" ANMF claims

Ramsay Health Care has used competition laws to win orders restraining a ANMF advertising campaign, after the Federal Court accepted it had an arguable case that the union made false and misleading clams that might damage the company's reputation and scare off patients.

Minister's intervention not coercion: Court

The UFU's Victorian branch has today failed to establish that State Emergency Services Minister Jaclyn Symes engaged in unlawful coercive conduct when she intervened in a case before the FWC.

No bargaining orders despite HR manager side-stepping union

The SDA has failed to win bargaining orders against a beauty retailer that froze it out of negotiations for a new deal, after a FWC member had just an hour to weigh the application before voting ended and it won resounding support.

Aged care providers "commercially compelled" to accept pay rise delay

Unions are asking the FWC to reject the Albanese Government's proposed phase-in schedule for Stage 3 work value pay rises of up to 13.5% in aged care, but employers say they are "commercially compelled" to support it to protect the sector's viability.

Transfer to direct jobs lines up with SJSP: FWC

The FWC has transferred workers from BHP's in-house labour hire arm to direct employment with the new owners of a former BHP Coal mine, finding it "consistent" with the intent of the Fair Work Act's new "same-job, same-pay" protections.