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MUA rule change case underway

The AWU and employer organisation the Australian Mines and Metals Association (AMMA) are now the only objectors to the MUA's rule change bid to cover offshore oil and gas production workers on Esso's Bass Strait platforms.

IRC gives short-term approval for substandard AWAs

The IRC has approved a security employer's substandard AWAs under the Workplace Relations Act's public interest test, because the Employment Advocate had approved similar agreements for three of its employees.

Pre-GST inflation continues climb

Inflation has continued its upward trend after bottoming out in early 1999, with data released today by the ABS showing a a 0.8% increase for the June quarter and a 3.2% annual increase (up from 2.8% last quarter).

WA police dept offering immediate increase under individual contracts

The WA police service is offering its 1,200 unsworn employees an immediate 2% increase under State workplace agreements, after the Civil Service Association knocked back a collective offer with a similar quantum that would have been paid on certification.

HEC deal looks to future

Tasmania's Hydro-Electric Commission has sealed a deal with unions that positions the organisation to make the transition to operating in the national electricity market and provides a 10.5% pay increase over three years.

Deal readies St George for change

St George Bank, which is preparing for a major change process, has reached preliminary agreement on a new deal with the Finance Sector Union that delivers 5,000 award employees a 9.1% guaranteed wage increase over two years, plus more if they perform.

Bench upholds reinstatement of delegate

A full bench of the IRC has upheld a decision to reinstate a sacked MUA delegate after he gave an undertaking that he would "forever" abandon his union and OHS activism that had brought him into conflict with management at P&O subsidiary Container Terminals Australia Limited.

Shop union ropes in 27,000 employers

Some 27,000 Victorian retail employers will be roped into federal awards, following an IRC full bench decision yesterday.

Unions to contest Esso s127 orders

Esso unions plan to appeal against the IRC's decision today to issue seven-day s127 orders to stop industrial action at Esso's Gippsland onshore oil facilities and in the meantime look likely to maintain their bans.

$161K payout for failing to install modem

An employer who discriminated against an employee when it delayed installing a modem at her home has been ordered to pay compensation of $161,307.