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Court ruling widens scope for duress claims

Employers who unduly pressure employees or prospective employees to sign Australian Workplace Agreements could be exposed to duress claims, following a ruling by a full bench of the Federal Court that substantially widens the definition of duress.

Construction employers cave in on 36-hour week

Victorian construction unions and a breakaway group of major building contractors are close to finalising a deal that will deliver building workers a 36-hour week and a 15% to 16% pay rise over three years.

Telstra managers told to value contract employees

A leaked Telstra internal memo from has revealed that in the telco's drive to shed 10,000 jobs, it will give special treatment to employees who have signed individual contracts.

BHP offers collective agreement in Pilbara

BHP has shifted ground from its recent contracts-only position and offered Pilbara iron ore workers a five-year collective agreement that mirrors the conditions in its individual contracts.

Global union campaign to reform Rio Tinto

Australian and international unions have launched a global campaign to encourage institutional investors to install more independent directors on the Rio Tinto board.

George exits with call to restrict casual work

Outgoing ACTU president Jennie George has called for new restrictions on regular and "permanent" casual work, just days after Workplace Relations Minister Peter Reith pronounced that there is "no casualisation crisis" in Australia .