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High Court to hear transmission test case

The crucial issue of whether awards and agreements carry over when work is outsourced is to be determined by a full bench of the High Court, after the Court this morning granted a chemist special leave to appeal an earlier Federal Court ruling.

ACTU farewells Jones

The ACTU's senior industrial officer and high profile advocate, Suzie Jones, is leaving the peak union body today.

Union members do earn more: ACTU

The ACTU has defended its claim that union members earn substantially more than non-members, despite a National Institute of Labor Studies (NILS) finding that the difference arises mainly because of low membership rates among part-time workers.

Blow to outsourcing

In another blow against outsourcing, the Community and Public Sector Union has won a Federal Court ruling that employees transferred from the former CES to Employment National are entitled to the wages and conditions provided under the awards and agreements applying to the former agency.

Victorian IR taskforce announced

Victorian IR Minister Monica Gould has established a tripartite taskforce to recommend the best way to implement the State Government's IR policy.

"Remedial" variation not above safety net

An IRC full bench has introduced new award shift penalty arrangements to curtail deliberate tailoring of work patterns by employers to avoid paying penalty rates.

Reith letter to PM remains secret

The CFMEU has failed in its attempt to gain access to Workplace Relations Minister Peter Reith's letter to Prime Minister John Howard about the Federation Square project in Melbourne.

Court restricts Telstra's job-shedding

Telstra's ability to select employees for the 10,000 jobs it plans to shed will continue to be fettered by a 1993 redundancy agreement, after a Federal Court full bench threw out a bid to pare back the deal under award simplification provisions.

NSW teachers dispute near end?

The NSW Education Department and the Teachers Federation are nearing a settlement, with a spokesperson for the Federation saying "we're getting close but we're not there yet".

Court rejects stifling of waterfront reports

The Federal Court has rejected an attempt by Workplace Relations Minister Peter Reith's department head, Peter Shergold, to deny public access to a range of secret reports on waterfront reform.