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Email and internet policies: Act now

Employers yet to implement policies for employee use of email and the internet will have to move quickly to draft and circulate them, as pressure mounts from privacy regulators and unions.

Arbitration restores level playing field in Vic public sector

The IRC's Victorian public sector s170MX arbitration decision undoes a key part of the former Kennett Government's agenda, with its restoration of parity between employees who refused to sign individual and non-union collective agreements and those who did sign.

ANZ subsidises employee internet access and PCs

The ANZ will provide 30,000 employees worldwide with a PC and internet access for $5 a week, as big companies rush to boost the internet savvy of their workers.

IRC orders 9.5% rise in Vic public sector

The quarter of the 20,000-strong Victorian public sector workforce which refused to sign non-union or individual agreements with the former Kennett Government will get a 9.5% increase backdated 12 months, while another quarter (who signed s170LK agreements providing a 7.5% rise) will pocket a 2% backdated rise, after an IRC full bench handed down its long-awaited s170MX arbitration decision this morning.

Wharfies end wildcat strike at CTAL

Wharfies at P&O Ports' CTAL operation at Port Botany in Sydney have ended a 24-hour wildcat stoppage, after the company obtained a s127 return to work order.

NSW teachers threaten more strikes

Some 80,000 teachers in NSW government and non-government schools are threatening coordinated industrial action during next school term if the NSW Government doesn't reconfigure its 16% over four years pay offer.

Metals unions expect big employer turnout

More than 100 "breakaway" metals companies, employing more than 10,000 workers, have accepted the MTFU's invitation to develop a negotiating framework for Campaign 2000 in Melbourne on March 31, according to AMWU Victorian metals and engineering division assistant secretary Craig Johnston.

Meat union challenges OEA over AWAs

The meat union will tell a Federal Court full bench on May 12 that Employment Advocate Jonathan Hamberger got it wrong when he used the federal industry award rather than a 1992 agreement as the no disadvantage test benchmark for AWAs at a Victorian meatworks.

CFMEU keeps options open

Settlement of a deal with the 11 or so members of the Victorian construction industry's breakout group appears imminent, but the CFMEU is still working on its insurance policy, putting in place a new strategy to avoid arbitration under s170MX.

5% a year in Vic lifts deal

Unions and lift companies in Victoria have reached agreement in principle on a deal that will deliver the 350-400 employees in the industry a pay rise of 5% a year.