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Case leaves transport employers exposed

The road transport industry is only now coming to grips with a Chief Industrial Magistrate Court decision which potentially leaves thousands of employers exposed to massive back-pay claims.

Roberts tipped as the next AWU leader

President of the national office of the AWU and secretary of the union's Port Kembla branch, Graham Roberts, is tipped as likely to replace Terry Muscat as next national secretary of the union.

CEO tests TP Act in contract claim

A former chief executive is seeking $570,000 in damages in an important test of an employee's ability to run a claim against an employer for misleading and deceptive conduct under s52 of the Trade Practices Act.

Big ports drag down docks productivity

Stevedoring productivity declined in the last quarter of 1999, with poor performances in Sydney and Melbourne dragging down the national average for container lifts to just 19 an hour, only marginally better than before the 1998 waterfront dispute.

NSW teachers turn up the heat

Some 70,000 New South Wales public school and TAFE teachers have rejected the Government's pay offer and plan a campaign of industrial action, while their 10,000 Catholic school colleagues have accepted the Government's offer of a 16% pay increase, but without key tradeoffs sought in the public system.

ACI's Box Hill dispute goes national

The long-running bargaining dispute at ACI's Box Hill mould manufacturing plant spread nationally this week, with workers at the company's plants around the country staging a 24-hour support strike on Wednesday.

Rio Tinto case tests Federal Court's powers to interfere

A five-member full bench of the High Court has reserved its decision on another Rio Tinto versus CFMEU (mining and energy division) case that deals with the crucial issue of the Federal Court's entitlement to interfere with IRC decisions but has little significance on the ground.

QWA award linkage increases

Queensland Workplace Agreements under the Beattie Government's IR regime have a far higher incidence of linkage to award wage increases than AWAs and WA Workplace Agreements, according to a new study.

Star City workers to strike tomorrow

Workers at Star City casino will tomorrow stage their first strike after a breakdown in negotiations for a new agreement.

High Court to hear transmission test case

The crucial issue of whether awards and agreements carry over when work is outsourced is to be determined by a full bench of the High Court, after the Court this morning granted a chemist special leave to appeal an earlier Federal Court ruling.