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CPI rise adds to wage pressure

Unions are likely to ramp up their wage claims in the wake of today's data showing a substantial increase in the cost of living.

Living wage decision due Monday

The IRC's national wage full bench will hand down its living wage decision at 10am on Monday, in Sydney.

MBA ends negotiations for SA construction deal

The MBA in South Australia has withdrawn from the latest bargaining round in the state's construction industry, saying employers could not afford the CFMEU (construction division)'s claim of 20% over three years plus hefty increases to superannuation and redundancy.

Reith proceeds with tax-funded entitlements scheme

Workplace Relations Minister Peter Reith will proceed with his interim taxpayer-funded employee entitlement safety net scheme for the next three years whether the states cooperate or not, after he rejected an alternative proposal for an insurance scheme as "costly, impractical and ineffective".

Average weekly earnings up sharply

Average weekly ordinary time earnings have accelerated steeply in the February quarter, with trend growth at 1.1%, according to preliminary data from the ABS.

ACI Box Hill lockout is over

The 19-week lockout at ACI's mould manufacturing plant at Box Hill, Victoria, is over, with employees expected to return to work tomorrow.

BHP's withdrawal of job offer breaches Act, says CFMEU

In another attempted use of the WR Act's freedom of association provisions by a union against an employer, the CFMEU (mining & energy division) is claiming BHP acted unlawfully when it withdrew a job offer to a redundant worker after he refused to hand back his termination payout.

Redundancies a legitimate business decision: IRC

The NSW IRC has refused to intervene in a telecommunications company's decision to make more than a quarter of its employees redundant and contract out their work

IRC stays construction coverage decision

The CFMEU won't yet be able to enjoy the fruits of its s204 coverage win in the civil construction sector, after the IRC stayed Senior Deputy President Simon Williams' January ruling.